• USA VPS one

      $ 9.99 mo
      • Dedicated RAM1GB
      • 2 Core-Xeon E3-1270v2
      • Storage 50GB
      • Single User
      • Administrator Account
      • Dedicated 1IPv4
      • Location USA
      • OS Windows
    • USA VPS three

      $ 15.99 mo
      • Dedicated RAM3GB
      • 2 Core-Xeon E3-1270v2
      • Storage 100GB
      • Single User
      • Administrator Account
      • Dedicated 1IPv4
      • Location USA
      • OS Windows

Buying an RDP hosting service for your business has become very common nowadays as it not only takes off a lot of work burden from your shoulder but is also cost-effective. You can then easily host different kinds of files or programs on RDP with a virtual server and make your task easy.

With more than 1500 different types of cryptocurrencies available all over the internet, they have been seen to dominate the world lately. One of the biggest advantages of using cryptocurrencies is, they allow consumers to complete any purchases without providing their personal information to the merchants. Thus nowadays buying goods and services with cryptocurrencies has hugely taken up the online market. Hence, even at AdminRDP, we allow you to buy RDP online with Bitcoin, which is a type of crytocurrency.

Select the type of deal you want to avail, click the Sign Up button, then select the plan, choose the billing cycle and click on the Continue button. Next review if the details reflecting on the page matches with your requirement, then click the Checkout button. You will then be redirected to the Checkout page where you need to fill in your personal details, billing address, undergo Account Security, then select the payment mode by choosing the radio button “Bitcoin (BTC) Pay Manually” and finally click the Complete Order button.